"Germany is not a warlike nation. It is a soldierly one, which means it does not want a war, but does not fear it. It loves peace, but also loves its honour and freedom."
– Adolf Hitler, 1938
"Each position, each yard of Soviet territory must be stubbornly defended to the last drop of blood. We must cling to every inch of Soviet soil and defend it to the end."
– Joseph Stalin, 1942
"Do you want total war? Do you want a war, if necessary, more total and radical than anything that we can even imagine today?"
– Josef Goebbels, 1943
"My Luftwaffe is invincible... And so now we turn to England. How long will this one last – two, three weeks?"
– Hermann Goring, June 1940
"There are a lot of people who say that bombing cannot win the war. My reply is that it has never been tried yet. We shall see."
– Air Chief Marshal Sir Arthur Harris
"Before Alamein we never won a battle, after Alamein we never lost one."
– Winston Churchill
"We must be very careful not to assign to this deliverance the attributes of a victory. Wars are not won by evacuations."
– Winston Churchill, after the Dunkirk evacuation
"The whole sky to the east was blazing red... it seemed as though half of London must be burning... In Shaftsbury Avenue, five miles from the blaze, it was possible to read an evening paper."
– Air Raid Warden Barbar Nixon, September 7, 1940, the first day of the Blitz
"They're murdering us here. Let's move inland and get murdered."
– Colonel Canham, on Omaha beach, D-Day
Their Finest Hour Speech by Winston Churchill